An Inspirational Story of Two Frogs in the Milk

This is the story of two frogs. One frog was
fat and the other skinny. One day, while
searching for food, they inadvertently
jumped into a vat of milk. They couldn't get
out, as the sides were too slippery, so they
were just swimming around.
The fat frog said to the skinny frog,
"Brother frog, there's no use paddling any
longer. We're just going to drown, so we
might as well give up." The skinny frog
replied, "Hold on brother, keep paddling.
Somebody will get us out." And they
continued paddling for hours.
After a while, the fat frog said, "Brother
frog, there's no use. I'm becoming very
tired now. I'm just going to stop paddling
and drown. It's Sunday and nobody's
working. We're doomed. There's no
possible way out of here." But the skinny
frog said, "Keep trying. Keep paddling.
Something will happen, keep paddling."
Another couple of hours passed.
The fat frog said, "I can't go on any longer.
There's no sense in doing it because we're
going to drown anyway. What's the use?"
And the fat frog stopped. He gave up. And
he drowned in the milk. But the skinny frog
kept on paddling.
Ten minutes later, the skinny frog felt
something solid beneath his feet. He had
churned the milk into butter and he hopped
out of the vat.
MORAL:- Never give up on your dream…
perseverance is all important. If you don't
have the desire and the belief in yourself to
keep trying after you've been told you
should quit, you'll never make it
If at first you don't succeed, try, try


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