Still stand strong together…

Relationships aren’t perfect. Perfection is
when you and I can go through anything
and still stand strong together.
Nothing is perfect. Life is messy.
Relationships are complex. Outcomes are
uncertain. People are irrational.- Hugh
You don't develop courage by being happy
in your relationships everyday. You develop
it by surviving difficult times and
challenging adversity.- Epicurus
Relationships are eternal. The 'separation'
is another chapter in the relationship.
Often, letting go of the old form of the
relationship becomes a lesson in pure love
much deeper than any would have learned
had the couple stayed together.- Marianne
The basic problem with my love
relationships with women is that my
standards are so high - and they apply
equally to both of us. I seek full-blast
mutual intensity, fully fledged mutual
acceptance, full-blown mutual flourishing,
and fully felt peace and joy with each
other. This requires a level of physical
attraction, personal adoration, and moral
admiration that is hard to find.- Cornel
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